The research team led by Professor Kim Seon-hyo of Kongju University in Korea announced the results of analyzing the results of the 5-year National Health and Nutrition Survey. It turns out that more than 62% of Koreans do not drink as much as water intake standards. The daily average water intake of Koreans is based on 2167ml, and the WTO recommends 1.5L to 2.0L. Compared to the national average daily water intake, 62% of the total did not meet the water intake standard for their age group. So, what happens to my body if I don't drink the recommended amount of water per day?
According to the Connecticut research team in the United States, it has been reported that "even a small change in the amount of water in the body changes mood, vitality, and mental function."

When we feel “thirst” when we are normally thirsty, it means that we are already dehydrated. If a person is less than 1.5% of the normal level, headache, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and memory loss will occur.
These symptoms are said to be more pronounced in women than in men. In particular, it is very important for health to maintain a constant level of moisture in my body during sweaty sports or hot summer days. About 70% of the human body, 75% of the brain and muscles, 80% of the cartilage, and 94% of the blood are water and water. What kind of water we fill our body with and how well we take care of it are inevitably directly related to our health.

f the water you drink is tasteless, you will drink water that contains sugar. If drinking water is not going well, you can drink water with carbonated water. Instead of drinking plain water, replace fluids with caffeinated beverages. The above situation is a very bad water intake habit that is destroying my body. If you want to drink water, but the water you drink doesn't go well, or if you feel stiff when you eat, change the water first.

Alkaline ionized water is filtered to remove heavy metals and impurities while allowing minerals to pass through. The water is then electrolyzed with a platinum-titanium electrode plate. As H2O is finely divided, minerals such as Ca and K are enriched, making drinking water taste great. How good or bad does water taste? If you ask “What makes water taste good is that it flows well.” I will answer. The biggest feature of alkaline ionized water is that it goes over well and is absorbed well.

Alkaline ionized water is not good because it is alkaline. As H2O is electrolyzed, "active hydrogen" is abundantly contained in the water. That's why people who drank alkaline ionized water, even for the same cup, go to the bathroom faster. "Active hydrogen" has the greatest effect in removing "active oxygen" in the body and discharging it out of the body. Water and moisture exist in the body in various forms such as blood, lymph, saliva, joint fluid, and cerebrospinal fluid. Water and moisture play a key role in transporting nutrients and discharging waste products. Also, it is "water" that regulates the body temperature.
The key to researching alkaline ionized water generators and hydrogen water generators is the quality of drinking high-quality water anytime, anywhere. Introduce more experienced people KYK Korea is the place where experienced people send thank-you letters.