Hello! ( from Seoul, KOREA) I love KYK products so much that my family has been using them for 3 generations.

For the first time, I installed KYK products at my mother's house. I scolded her mother, saying, "What are you doing installing this?"
However, now I am fascinated by the taste and effect of this water and am introducing it to my friends and family.

The water tastes really different. Even if I go to a restaurant with my family, I never drink purified water or bottled water. It's worse than not drinking. I decided that this water is the water my family should drink for generations.
So, I installed a KYK Alkaline Water Generator as a gift for my daughter when she got married last March.

She complained that her daughter, who left home after getting married while drinking KYK water at home, would not be able to drink the water she bought. To celebrate her daughter's wedding and for her 2 year old, I also installed KYK products for her daughter. It's a basic thing that is good for health, but it's difficult to captivate the taste of water, but I'm very happy. It feels like drinking precious water and becoming a precious person. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Korea KYK receives many reviews from consumers. We received email, text, messages to handwritten letters, letters arrive from Dr.Kim. People who have solved their health problems, people who have improved their health problems. It's a pity that I can't post them all because there is no "personal consent" on the website. What we drink good water! Informing many people of good water and healthy water!
It's good business, but it must be good and worthwhile. |