More than 3 million people die each year from diseases related to water quality. This equates to one death every 10 seconds. Of course, most of them occur in developing countries.
According to the WHO, 85% of all deaths worldwide are caused by contaminated water. It is estimated that 9% of diseases can be prevented by improving drinking water and sanitation services alone.
However, people have lived under the illusion that clean water is good water. Numerous media brainwash us into drinking clean water, so I thought clean water was good without even realizing it. A lot of people buy nice sports cars and look for good food and restaurants, so why don't they pay attention to "the water that goes into my body" by accessing poor, low-level information?
Let's answer some questions about water why we should choose water to drink.

"Can you feel that gain weight just by drinking water?"
Why am I gaining weight or feeling swelling even though I only drank water? Reason why "habit of not drinking water" and "circulation".
When a person who doesn't normally drink water suddenly drinks a lot of water, my body tries to store that water. The reason is my body doesn't know when to drink water. This is the habit of not drinking enough water. In this case, you drink enough water and then increase the muscle temperature of your body through walking or stretching, you will feel light by helping the water circulate quickly. Drink ” alkaline ionized water” The moment you put the water in your mouth, you experience a disappearing experience. Alkaline ionized water is small and light and absorbs quickly. Alkaline ionized water also moves blood quickly and quickly penetrates into and out of cells to help the body circulate very quickly.
" Is the amount of water in our body different or the same?"
65% of the human body is water, so everyone's body moisture is not the same. Women make up 52% of their body weight and men make up 63% of their body weight as water.
In other words, women have higher fat tissue and lower water content than men. Men have a lot of muscles. Muscle has a high water content. In other words, the more muscle, the higher the water content.
So The most important purpose of the “diet” is to increase "muscle mass".
The water content goes up and the fat content goes down, so how can you go on a diet without water?!

Water content decreases with age. The reason why muscle mass decreases and fat content increases. An athlete's body has a high water content. Because they has a lot of muscle.
When choosing water, check the following -certified water -comfortable water without full stomach, -water that tastes good and is good for health!
Choosing KYK - Alkaline Ionized Water is the beginning of how you live a healthy life with high muscle mass.
"My body also has osmotic pressure??"
The osmotic pressure phenomenon always happens in my body. Since the cell membrane is a semi-permeable membrane that allows only "water" to pass through, external water passes through the semi-permeable membrane and enters the body to reduce the difference in concentration. .
In other words, the "water" plays a role in keeping my body's internal environment stable and relatively constant. The conditions for cells to live in the human body healthily are pH7.4, body temperature of 36.5, salt concentration of 0.9%, blood sugar level of 100ml, blood pressure of 120/80, and Ca of 8.5 to 10.8mg/dL. Cell survival is guaranteed.

“Homeostasis” metabolism is maintained to keep the body constant, and the main character of that role is "water".
In order for the water entering my body to work hard, fast and accurately with cell membranes, We must drink water with alkaline ionized water. The water that can move diligently to quickly pass through 60 trillion cells of the human body, discharge waste and carbon dioxide, and supply oxygen and nutrients. Nowdays more people are filling up their moisture with coffee or carbonated drinks. You should not substitute water with sugar and caffeinated water.
I think it would be better to drink clean water, but clean water is basic.
Drinking clean water is very basic. Not only that I have to drink good & healthy water. The water will enter my body and have a very high effect and improve my health. The choice of which water to fill your body with is very directly related to your disease and aging.
This water has been announced as an 85.7% improvement effect in the most famous Seoul National University clinical trial in Korea. That is the “KYK Alkaline Water Ionizer.”
This water will be a wonderful gift for your family's health and happiness. |