Is Alkaline Ionized Water Beneficial to Health?

70% of the human body and 83% of blood is water. Drinking enough water can help you stay healthy.
What best describes a person's state of health? It's good blood flow.
As the old saying goes, “flowing water never rots.” that water flows well It means good blood circulation.
Because 83% of blood is water The flow of water in the body tells us that the water is flowing.

Passing the days of boiling and drinking tap water
Buy bottled water and drink,
Passing the age of water purifiers that filter water with a filter,

It is a trend that is changing a lot of alkaline water ionizers as family health guardians.
What is “alkaline water”? Alkaline water is water that has an alkaline pH.
What is “hydrogen water”? Hydrogen water is water that is very rich in active hydrogen.
So, what is Alkaline Ionized Water? “ Alkaline pH, rich in ionized minerals, It is “water rich in active hydrogen content”.
In addition, ORP (Oxidatiom Reduction Potencial)
If you measure the value directly with a meter, you get -450mv.
KYK hydrogen water generator can check the -1575ppb value.

Then, why does alkaline ionized water taste good?
The reason is the size of the water molecule. It is the smallest size on this planet and has excellent dissolution and elution action.
The size of the water molecule cannot be determined with the naked eye. However, it can be seen with an NMR nuclear magnetic resonance device.
The water molecule cluster size is expressed in Hz.
RO (reverse osmosis water purifier) 150Hz, tap water 11.2Hz, mineral water 10Hz, healthy longevity village water 70Hz.
Then, what is the cluster size of alkaline ionized water? You can see that it is the smallest at 54Hz.
What would happen if the water molecules were small? When the water molecule is small It easily passes through narrow passages in cell membranes or blood vessels.
If it passes easily, the time to absorb water in the body is fast, Even if you drink a cup or a bottle, your stomach won't shake You can see that there is no burden.
Also, if you eat food with water with small water molecules, Retains nutrition, taste and flavor Food tastes very good.
Alkaline ionized water not only tastes like water, Alkaline ionized water ice when drinking whiskey I tried drinking it.
About 10 years ago, another customer told me about it, so I experienced it.
After drinking whiskey, he said that ice in whiskey was the answer to his physical condition the next day. It is said that anyone who has eaten the ice by freezing it with alkaline ionized water can understand it!
Alkaline ionized water
It is one of the hit products of oriental medicine clinic.
As in the oriental medicine book, it is stated that oriental doctors should choose and use water for the ingredients and effects of medicine. An increasing number of hospitals are installing medicines so that patients with gastrointestinal symptoms can drink them.
Although it is not possible to list all the advantages here, Alkaline ionized water is a medical device approved by the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.
“ Abnormal fermentation in the stomach, indigestion, chronic diarrhea, and hyperacidity” It has been approved for safety, medical efficacy, and effectiveness as a water that helps improve the four major gastrointestinal symptoms.
Medical device manufacturers are licensed under strict criteria.
When choosing a product, keep in mind the following:
1) The water entering the body must safely create an accurate pH. KYK products adjust the micro current in 4000 steps.
2) Check if the components of the filter are safe and effective. The materials of cheap filters are of poor quality and reduce the life of the product.
3) Regarding whether the quality assurance process is appropriate for the production process that manufactures the product, we are strictly managing all audits on a regular basis to maintain the license.
Alkaline ionized water, although the name is similar I would like you to purchase it after checking the license and brand.
Dr.KIM, who has been researching water for 44 years,
“Even though it is not an epidemic like Corona, In modern society, the number of numerous diseases increases and people are exposed to diseases regardless of age. Day by day, the number of these sufferers increases in modern society. We must be wise to these serious facts."
“It is true that there are countless places that sell health, We need to be aware of the reality that no place is actually responsible for our health.”
“Many people want to die, but no one wants to get sick.”
44 years of unrivaled water research,
Korea Food and Drug Administration medical device approval, US FDA approval, Recommended by the Korea Atopy Association Export certification to over 50 countries Bundang Seoul National University clinically verified
delicious and healthy water
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